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Marketing Plan - Write The Perfect Plan: SOSTAC® framework free download

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    Marketing Plan - Write The Perfect Plan: SOSTAC® framework
    Marketing Plan - Write The Perfect Plan: SOSTAC® framework

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Course Description

What you'll learn:

  • How to write The Perfect Plan (using PR Smith's SOSTAC® Planning framework)
  • The importance of the Situation Analysis in your plan + .
  • Strategy is the smallest part of the plan, yet, most important, part of the plan
  • The key components of strategy
  • You will also be able to have a mature discussion about other people's plans.
  • NB This short course shows you the components of a plan and how they fit together. It DOES NOT include examples of plans.


  • No Prerequisites


Learn how to write the perfect plan in 4 minutes, then explore it in approximately one hour. 8 other short lectures approximately 7 minutes each lecture. The SOSTAC® Planning framework was voted in the Top 3 Business Models in the world by the Chartered Institute of Marketing's Centenary Poll and has since been adopted by Linkedin, KPMG, hundreds of start-ups and thousands of professionals across the world. Here it is presented by the original author of SOSTAC® Planning and founder of the official SOSTAC Portal, PR Smith.

The 6 sections in a SOSTAC® Plan are easy to remember.

  1. Situation Analysis (where are we now);

  2. Objectives (where are we going)

  3. Strategy (how do we get there?)

  4. Tactics (the details of strategy i.e. the marketing mix)

  5. Action (how do we ensure excellent execution of the plan i.e. internal marketing)

  6. Control (how do we know we are getting there - what metrics should we watch?)

NB This very short course DOES NOT INCLUDE SAMPLE PLANS. Instead, author, PR Smith spends time showing you how to write the perfect plan, what the 6 key sections of great plans are, what these 6 sections must include, the difference between Strategy and Tactics and how all 6 sections  fit together in a very easy-to-remember way. There is, however, a free one-page summary SOSTAC® Planning template. There is also an optional free weekly chat with PR Smith every Friday 3.30pm - 4.00pm GMT/BST in the SOSTAC® Plans Club (download the clubhouse app).

TEDxTalk speaker, author & adviser, PR Smith brings this unique planning framework to life in a colourful, fast-moving, easy-to-remember way. By the end of this course, you will know the structure you need to write the perfect plan.  You can perfect it thereafter. In fact, once you have taken this course, you will be able to immediately sign up for the separate SOSTAC® Certified Planner course & certificate (approved by the UK CPD Standards Office).  Please note we try to keep this course to 60 mins max. We do not include case studies and templates instead we give you some short punchy video lectures and one or two small documents about more resources - at the very last lecture. 

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn How To Write Great Plans
  • Professionals: Managers, Marketers plus students of Business / Marketing
  • This course is for anyone who wants to know how to write the perfect plan, digital marketing, integrated marketing or even a business plan. NB If you have read any of my PR Smith's ® Guide to your Perfect Plan, (books) then you won't really get anything new or extra in this course. It's just me talking you through the same material with some interesting slides.

This course includes:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 11 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Course Specifications:

  • Free Demo
  • 100% job Assistance
  • Flexible Timing
  • Realtime Project Work
  • Learn From Experts
  • Get Certified
  • Place your career
  • Reasonable fees
  • Access on mobile and Tv
  • High-quality content and Class videos
  • Learning Management System
  • Full lifetime access


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