You will learn how to start with VHDL and FPGA Programming.
How will you learn?
You will learn by doing the real programming. All the code and examples are explained in tutoring videos. After you adjust the existing code or you create your own, you will run simulations to verify it. If you are interested to run your code on a real hardware (not required, but much more fun), we recommend Altera or Xilinx boards.What you will learn about
What will you learn?
Learn the Essentials of VHDL and FPGA Development is course that will teach you the fundamentals and basics of VHDL design. In this course you will be working through various projects that will require you to go through the entire FPGA development process. You will be guided through the coding of the actual VHDL to the synthesis using either Xilinx’s development tool, Vivado or Altera development tool Quartus. There are 8 projects in this course:
All of the required background and knowledge to complete each project will be explained prior to completing the project. There are demonstration videos and walk-throughs for each project so that you can have a deep understanding of how the project works.
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