
Course Description

Ionic Apps with Firebase Udemy Free Download

Build a Server-less Social App with Ionic and Firebase for Android and iOS from scratch to store.

What you'll learn:

  • Build Android and iOS Apps with Ionic
  • Using Ionic Native Plugins for native features like Camera
  • Use Firebase with Ionic and Angular apps
  • Use Firebase Auth to manager users
  • Using Cloud Firestore to store and manage app data
  • Upload files to Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Using Firebase Cloud Functions to offload heavy jobs
  • Sending automated Push Notifications to the users
  • Publishing apps to Google Play Store


  • Some experience with programming and development
  • Aptitude for programming
  • Enthusiasm to create something out-of-the-box
  • A computer with Windows or Mac
  • VS Code or any text editor
  • A reliable internet connection


Ionic Apps with Firebase is a complete course that will teach you two leading app development technologies - Ionic Framework and Firebase. In this course, you will learn all about Ionic and Firebase while working on a real world social application. At the end of the course, you can publish your app.

We start by learning the basics of Ionic and Firebase. Once introduced to both the technologies, you will learn about building the front-end of the mobile app using the Ionic Framework and the back-end will be taken care of by Firebase. The code for each lecture is available for students to refer to in an easy to use and organised way. A repository will be shared with each student and the code for each lecture is available on a separate Git branch. You can clone the repository as well.

You will be building a Social Mobile App using Ionic and Firebase - Feedly.

You will learn about

  • Building User Interfaces with Ionic You will start by learning the basic of Ionic and Firebase. Throughout the course, you will learn about various Ionic Framework Components and use them in a real app. You will learn how to build beautiful user interfaces with HTML and SCSS and use the built-in components in Ionic.
  • Firebase Authentication You will learn to create authentication flows using the Ionic Framework. The users creation and authentication will be taken care of by Firebase Auth. This takes away all the pain about user management. All you need to do is hook your app up with Firebase Auth and your users can start signing up and logging in into your app using their emails and passwords. We will also work towards building good user experience, and for that, we will use amazing components that are built into Ionic.
  • Cloud Firestore Cloud Firestore is a flexible, scalable database for mobile, web, and server development from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform. You will learn how to store and retrieve all the data of your application using Cloud Firestore. You will learn about querying data and using Angular's concepts to display data in the app. You will be using Ionic to build all the user interfaces.
  • Firebase Cloud Storage The social app that we will be building in this course, Feedly, allows its users to click pictures using their phone's camera and upload them. We store all these images in a secure and accessible cloud location. Cloud Storage for Firebase is a powerful, simple, and cost-effective object storage service built for Google scale. You will learn about clicking images using user's phone's camera and uploading it to Firebase Storage.
  • Firebase Cloud Functions Cloud Functions for Firebase lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests. You will learn about creating Firebase functions to implement the Likes and Comments functionalities in our app, called, Feedly. This will allow the users to likes posts made by other users and also comment on those posts. All this data is updated in real-time in the app, thanks for Firebase Cloud Functions and Cloud Firestore.
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging Firebase Cloud Messaging allows you to send notifications to your users to keep them engaged with the app. In this course, you will learn about sending notifications to users of your application. You will be sending notifications to a user whenever someone likes their posts or comments on their posts. Since we are building a real world social mobile app, cloud messaging is one of the most vital features to keep users engaged with the app.

So, what are you waiting for? Start learning and build your own real world social mobile app with the Ionic Framework and Google's Firebase.

Who this course is for:

  • Students who want to learn to build Mobile Apps
  • Students who want to create an outstanding project
  • Professionals who want to become Full-stack developers
  • Web developers who want to build Mobile Apps
  • Anyone who wants to learn to build Hybrid Mobile Apps

This course includes:

  • 5.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Course Specifications:

  • Free Demo
  • 100% job Assistance
  • Flexible Timing
  • Realtime Project Work
  • Learn From Experts
  • Get Certified
  • Place your career
  • Reasonable fees
  • Access on mobile and Tv
  • High-quality content and Class videos
  • Learning Management System
  • Full lifetime access


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