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Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming in Python free download

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    Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming in Python
    Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming in Python

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Course Description

Recursion, Backtracking and Dynamic Programming in Python Udemy Free Download

Learn Competitive Programming, Recursion, Backtracking, Divide and Conquer Methods and Dynamic Programming in Python

What you'll learn:

  • Understanding recursion
  • Understand backtracking
  • Understand dynamic programming
  • Understand divide and conquer methods
  • Implement 15+ algorithmic problems from scratch
  • Improve your problem solving skills and become a stronger developer


  • Basic Python


This course is about the fundamental concepts of algorithmic problems focusing on recursion, backtracking, dynamic programming and divide and conquer approaches. As far as I am concerned, these techniques are very important nowadays, algorithms can be used (and have several applications) in several fields from software engineering to investment banking or R&D.

Section 1 - RECURSION

  • what are recursion and recursive methods

  • stack memory and heap memory overview

  • what is stack overflow?

  • Fibonacci numbers

  • factorial function

  • tower of Hanoi problem


  • linear search approach

  • binary search algorithm


  • what are selection algorithms?

  • Hoare's algorithm

  • how to find the k-th order statistics in O(N) linear running time?

  • quickselect algorithm

  • median of medians algorithm

  • the secretary problem


  • binary numbers

  • logical operators and shift operators

  • checking even and odd numbers

  • bit length problem

  • Russian peasant multiplication


  • what is backtracking?

  • n-queens problem

  • Hamiltonian cycle problem

  • coloring problem

  • knight's tour problem

  • maze problem

  • Sudoku problem


  • what is dynamic programming?

  • knapsack problem

  • rod cutting problem

  • subset sum problem

  • Kadane's algorithm

  • longest common subsequence (LCS) problem


  • what is optimal packing?

  • bin packing problem


  • what is the divide and conquer approach?

  • dynamic programming and divide and conquer method

  • how to achieve sorting in O(NlogN) with merge sort?

  • the closest pair of points problem

Section 9 - Substring Search Algorithms

  • substring search algorithms

  • brute-force substring search

  • Z substring search algorithm

  • Rabin-Karp algorithm and hashing

  • Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) substring search algorithm


  • top interview questions (Google, Facebook and Amazon)

  • anagram problem

  • palindrome problem

  • integer reversion problem

  • dutch national flag problem

  • trapping rain water problem

Section 11 - Algorithms Analysis

  • how to measure the running time of algorithms

  • running time analysis with big O (ordo), big Ω (omega) and big θ (theta) notations

  • complexity classes

  • polynomial (P) and non-deterministic polynomial (NP) algorithms

In each section we will talk about the theoretical background for all of these algorithms then we are going to implement these problems together from scratch in Python.

Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!

Who this course is for:

  • This course is meant for newbies who are not familiar with algorithmic problems in the main or students looking for some refresher
  • Anyone preparing for programming interviews or interested in improving their problem solving skills

This course includes:

  • 9 hours on-demand video
  • 20 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Course Specifications:

  • Free Demo
  • 100% job Assistance
  • Flexible Timing
  • Realtime Project Work
  • Learn From Experts
  • Get Certified
  • Place your career
  • Reasonable fees
  • Access on mobile and Tv
  • High-quality content and Class videos
  • Learning Management System
  • Full lifetime access


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