Be able to advise customers and translate business requirements into Azure solutions by taking the AZ-305 exam!
Updated: April 10th 2022 -
AZ-304 to AZ-305 updates! Microsoft has updated the exam to AZ-305 and this course is changing in accordance.
Revised Governance, Identity, Monitoring Sections to reflect AZ-305 curriculum updates.
Welcome to the Skylines Academy AZ-305 certification course!
The AZ-305 (NEW EXAM) course is intended for IT engineers and architects who have previous experience of Microsoft Azure. Since Azure services were released, there have been several additions and updates to the platform that will be explored in this course. In order for you to achieve success and pass the AZ-305 exam, this Skylines Academy course will guide you through a series of sections, lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, alongside other helpful study material. We have got you covered!
During this course, you will gain knowledge and hands-on experience of:
Design for Governance
Design for Identity
Design for Logging & Monitoring
Implement Cost Optimization for your environment
Design Compute such as Virtual Machines for Windows and Linux
Design and Manage Storage Accounts
Deploy Automation and Configure Resources
Design Load Balancing and Network Security
Design for High Availability
Architect Security for Applications
Design an Application Infrastructure
Design Container-based Applications
Design Data Platforms like Azure SQL and CosmosDB
Design a solution for Backup and Recovery with Azure Backup and ASR
Design Migrations using Azure Migrate
Lectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world.
Note: This course is being upgraded FREE OF CHARGE to the AZ-305 exam. All students can take either exam and the course will cover you fully.
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