The Climb: 6 Steps to a Powerful Personal Brand Udemy Free Download

What you'll learn:



Here's the simple truth: powerful personal brands enjoy benefits that others simply don't. They command higher fees, are referred more often, haggle less over price, if at all, and are thought of first.

Why? What is their magic? What is their secret sauce?

Well, there is a secret sauce. Personal brands didn't become powerful personal brands by accident. Their brand story, colors, logo, book covers, profile pics and Tweets were carefully planned.

Well, I've had the opportunity to work directly with some of the world's greatest brands - no, not in an indirect way, but in a hands on way. I till do to this day. As such, I know the steps you need to take to climb to the top of your market. And you will learn those steps in this course.

You will learn:

  • Exactly what automatically attracts the right people to you.

  • How to share your brand story with the world in such a way that they immediately find you credible.

  • What to Tweet to cause your audience to want to follow you.

  • How to break through all of the noise in the marketplace.

  • And, much, much more.

Welcome aboard. Let's take the climb to the top of the market.

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