R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science Udemy Free Download

What you'll learn:



Ready to take your R Programming skills to the next level?

Want to truly become proficient at Data Science and Analytics with R?

This course is for you!

Professional R Video training, unique datasets designed with years of industry experience in mind, engaging exercises that are both fun and also give you a taste for Analytics of the REAL WORLD.

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to prepare data for analysis in R

  • How to perform the median imputation method in R

  • How to work with date-times in R

  • What Lists are and how to use them

  • What the Apply family of functions is

  • How to use apply(), lapply() and sapply() instead of loops

  • How to nest your own functions within apply-type functions

  • How to nest apply(), lapply() and sapply() functions within each other

  • And much, much more!

The more you learn, the better you will get. After every module, you will have a robust set of skills to take with you into your Data Science career.

We prepared real-life case studies.

In the first section, you will be working with financial data, cleaning it up, and preparing for analysis. You were asked to create charts showing revenue, expenses, and profit for various industries.

In the second section, you will be helping Coal Terminal understand what machines are underutilized by preparing various data analysis tasks.

In the third section, you are heading to the meteorology bureau. They want to understand better weather patterns and requested your assistance on that.

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