AWS VPC and Networking in depth: Learn practically in 8 hrs Udemy Free Download

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This course aims to build the complete understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Networking from ground up where students will understand the networking core concepts by doing exercises on their own.

This course contains 2 sections. First section is about Understanding AWS Networking where I have explained starting from very basics the AWS VPC, VPC components and Private connectivity options in AWS . If you are already aware of AWS networking components, then you may want to skip this section and jump directly to hands on exercises section.

1. Understanding AWS Networking in depth

  • Physical on premises networking vs AWS VPC

  • Getting familiar with AWS VPC terminologies - VPC, Subnets, Route tables, Internet Gateway, Security Group, Network ACL

  • Understanding VPC CIDR

  • Understanding Subnets and Route Tables

  • Public Subnet vs Private Subnet

  • Understanding NAT (Network Address Translation) Concept

  • NAT Gateway and NAT instance

  • AWS Private Connectivity options

  • Understanding VPC Peering

  • VPC Endpoint and Privatelink for private connectivity to AWS Services

  • VPN connection / Direct Connect

  • Transit VPC

  • Transit Gateway

  • AWS Client VPN

2. AWS Networking Hands on exercises (Basics to Advance)

  1. Create VPC with single public subnet, launch EC2 instance and connect over internet

  2. Create VPC with Pubic and Private subnet, connect to EC2 instance in Private subnet via EC2 instance in Public subnet

  3. Create NAT Gateway and allow EC2 instances in Private subnet to access internet through NAT Gateway

  4. Create and use NAT EC2 instance instead of NAT Gateway

  5. Create VPC Peering between VPCs across AWS regions and connect to EC2 instance over private IP by using VPC peering connection

  6. Create VPC endpoint gateway for S3 and access S3 contents from EC2 instance in Private subnet without requiring internet connection

  7. Create and use VPC Private Link to expose your Web service privately to application hosted in another VPC

  8. Implement AWS region level failover using AWS Route53

  9. Hosting website on S3 using custom domain name from GoDaddy

  10. Hosting HTTPS enabled website using S3 and CloudFront

  11. Advanced Networking: Setup Site-To-Site VPN between AWS VPC and simulated on-premise network

  12. Advanced Networking: Setup AWS and Google Site to Site VPN using Dynamic BGP Routing

  13. Transit Gateway - Setup communication between multiple VPCs and On-premise network

  14. AWS Client VPN and various scenarios like accessing Internet, Split Tunnel, accessing Peered VPCs via Client VPN connection

Additional exercises:

  1. Application Load Balancer - distribute traffic to backend EC2 instances

  2. Enable Sticky session on ALB

  3. Enable HTTPS on Application Load Balancer

  4. ALB Path based Routing

Note: This course does not cover all minute details/limits/what if kind of contents which are required to be remembered for AWS networking certification exam however this course instead focuses on understanding the core concepts well by doing hands on exercise.

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